Case study on canopy bridges for Dormouse and arboreal wildlife in Japan.
Our research about the Dormouse Tunnel, Dormouse Bridge and Animal-pathway, were published as a paper in a special issue on "Canopy Bridge" of the international primatological society "Folia Primatologica" in August 2022. Title: Mitigating the effects of road construction on arboreal Japanese mammals: benefits for both wildlife and people Abstract: "Fragmentation of forest habitat has negative effects on arboreal mammals, compromising their natural dispersal and foraging movements. This paper describes an evolving series of mitigation measures aimed at creating cost-effective continuity pathways for arboreal mammals in Japan. The projects have focused on the endemic Japanese dormouse (Glirulus japonicus) a scarce, ...
Environmental Conservation Media News
Cabinet Office, Government of Japan introduced Animal-pathway
The dormouse is a natural monument in Japan whose "road" is a branch of the forest. They cross the branches looking for food, beds and mates. Without branches, trees and forests, they can’t live. Animal-pathway is an SDG way to support the division.
About Us

We at The Dormouse & Wildlife Institute is studying the wonders of "dormouse" and "creatures". In addition, we support to nurture "living things," "nature," and "people who love people." We provide support to develop people who support the global society.
Recommended Books
Japanese Dormouse -Wildlife Conservation and Environmental Education-
Yamane, Natural monument of Japan --- What kind of animals are they?
Introducing details the Japanese Dormouse ecology of hibernation, breeding, childcare, etc are introduced, and also various efforts for conservation and environmental education of dormouse living in the forest. The book is the culmination of "Dr. Dormouse" who has been sincerely facing the dormouse's for many years.
The objects we want to cherish are "dormouse", "living things" and "people".
Many plants, animals and microorganisms live around us and on the earth. We cannot live without "living things" so that we can breathe thanks to the oxygen produced by plants. People live on the blessings of "living things" such as air, food, clothing, and fuel.